Have You Re-booked Your Appointment?
As most of you know, Guelph Line Dental has been open since June 8th (over a month and a half now) for your in-person visits. While there certainly was a backlog of care that needed to be administered due to the COVID-19 closure, we have been catching up to your needs quite rapidly. The response and support we have received from the Guelph Line Dental family has been overwhelming! Strict
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Dear valued patients and families of Guelph Line Dental, We are so thrilled to let you know that we can once again provide dental care for you and your family! While the Ministry of Health has lifted the restrictions placed in March, we will be following strict infection control standards to keep your family and our staff safe. The protocols based on the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario
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Office Re-Opens on Monday, June 8
Dear valued patients and families of Guelph Line Dental, We are excited to announce we will be back in the office and ready to see patients starting Monday June 8th. Note, we will be able to see patients by APPOINTMENT only, NO WALK-INS (for now!). We have taken every precaution and are following strict guidelines to keep everyone safe including the staggering of appointments and appointment lengths. If we spoke
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Details On Re-Opening
Dear valued patients and families of Guelph Line Dental, We thank you very much for your continued patience and cooperation during this closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is unprecedented times for all of us. We have been tirelessly working to ensure a safe return to work based on our regulatory body (RCDSO) guidelines. As we get closer to reopening, kindly stay tuned for update in the next few
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Series: Oral Health During A Pandemic – Focus on the Basics
Probably the most important thing you can do right now is just focus on the basics. Think back to your earliest dental health lessons. Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss once a day. Use mouthwash. Cut back on sugary sweets. Quit smoking, cut back on caffeine. Drink plenty (more than you think!) of clean water. This is likely the most boring advice possible, but it’s the absolute best thing
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Series: Oral Health During A Pandemic – Close the Toilet Bowl Lid!
Look, in an ideal world your toothbrush would be stored NOWHERE near the toilet. Think about it. That intense “FLUSH”of water doesn’t get fully contained in the bowl. Water droplets (along with droplets from whatever else in the bowl!) leave the bowl unless the seat is down. Where do the droplets go? EVERYWHERE! As we all know, we need to avoid droplet transmission as much as possible to limit the
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Series: Oral Health During A Pandemic – No Sharing
No Sharing! We get it. You love your family or your significant other. You are very, VERY close! So what harm could come from grabbing the wrong toothbrush? Well, beyond it just being kind of nasty, sharing a toothbrush is one of the easiest ways for viruses to be passed from person to person. You’re basically building a Golden Gate Bridge for the virus and other germs to march right
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Series : Oral Health During A Pandemic – Tips And Tricks
These are unprecedented and challenging times for all of us. Unfortunately, because of obvious reasons your team at Guelph Line Dental cannot support your oral health and overall wellness in-person, but we’re still here for you! Here are some tips to help you stay safe and keep your oral health as tip-top as possible during these unique times where you cannot visit the clinic. Change Toothbrushes Regularly Your toothbrush. Always
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Safety is our top priority. A message from Guelph Line Dental team.
Dear Guelph Line Dental Patients and Friends, As always, the health & wellness of our patients, employees, and their families is always our top priority. During this time of heightened concern due to COVID -19 pandemic we want to make you aware of the extra precautions we are taking to ensure everyone stays healthy. Based on the recommendation of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Public Health authorities our office
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Proud to partner with the Burlington Food Bank
There are so many things to love about this time of year, but one of our favourites is what a generous mood everyone is in! We’re getting in on it too! We’re honoured to join forces with the Burlington Food Bank to help fight hunger in our community. We would be so appreciative if you could help us by dropping off your non-perishable food items to our clinic. We’ll make
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